Anytime there is a potential to fall more than 2 metres is considered working at heights. A Working Safely at Heights competency is required whenever working near a leading edge to anything more than a 2-metre fall.
Consider controls in this order of preference:
- Work on the ground or a solid construction
- Use a passive fall prevention device such as scaffold, guard rails, void covers or EWP. If a visual barrier is the control being used, it must be positioned 2 metres from the leading edge and it must be continuous and substantial, eg bollards and caution tape.
- Use heights safety equipment such as a harness in active fall restraint ie in a position that will never allow you to fall.
- Use heights safety equipment such as a harness in fall arrest ie in a position that will limit a fall. This option is a last resort, it requires approval by senior management.

You may need to complete a Working at Heights permit, please check in with the project team to determine if one is needed.
When using a harness:
- Provide a SWMS to cover the work.
- Provide your Working Safely at Heights competency.
- Provide a register of heights safety equipment, including the most recent inspection date and who did the inspection. Equipment must be inspected every 6 months, the inspector must hold the competency of Height Safety Equipment Inspector or better.
- Confirm that permanent anchor points are appropriately positioned for the intended work and have been inspected in the last 12 months.
- Provide a rescue plan and necessary equipment.
Ensure the permit is approved by Manteena prior to starting work