Visitor Site Safety Rules

If you are unsure about safety, always ask the site inducted person accompanying you. The following general requirements apply to this project for the project duration. Signing in as a visitor on Sign on Site indicates that you agree to the following.

As a visitor, you must:

  • at all times be accompanied by a person who has undertaken a site induction
  • at all times comply with all lawful instructions from the person accompanying you and the site supervisor
  • make yourself aware of the emergency evacuation and response plan and the emergency assembly point
  • not interfere with, or misuse, objects provided on site for health and safety
  • be aware of moving plant, construction work at height, and areas that have safety barriers protecting them (please particularly be aware if you are using your mobile phone – stop what you’re doing to take a phone call and don’t walk and look at your phone at the same time)
  • be responsible for your own health and safety and that of others
  • use and maintain the correct and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), this includes but is not limited to hi-vis vest or top, fully enclosed leather shoes and hard hat as a minimum
  • co-operate in achieving a safe and healthy workplace by reporting hazards to the person accompanying you or the Site Supervisor
  • never perform any duty or undertake any task which you reasonably believe places your health and safety, or that of fellow workers at risk

And you will not:

  • smoke within buildings, including those under construction where the building is partially or wholly enclosed, on major thoroughfares and pathways, within 10m of any major access points to buildings, around flammable substances or areas designated with non-smoking signage
  • take or be under the influence of non-prescription drugs or alcohol
  • engage in threats of violence or intimidation of any kind
  • engage in pranks, hazing or horseplay
  • engage in any forms of bullying or harassment
  • engage in any discrimination by reason of race, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation or Union membership (or not)
  • bring or use any unsafe item of equipment
  • use inappropriate language
  • bring animals or children under the age of 16
  • wear loose clothing, loose hair or loose or hanging jewellery that may become entangled in plant or machinery